Community mobilization for better health
S.H. Djalalinia, F. Ramezani Tehrani, N. Peikari, M. Rostami Dovom
NRCRH, Deputy of Research & Technology, MOHME, Tehran, Iran
In order to improve reproductive health status of youth a health campaign
consider to improve youth health through involving them for finding their needs
and their suggestion for solving them, so for this purpose the an operational
study was considered with three phases
1-Assessing the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the youth regarding
reproductive health.
2-Implementing a multidisciplinary approach based on their needs assessment.
3-Evaluating the effectiveness of this program.
This project concentrated on: Advocacy and community mobilization, Financing
and resource allocation, Capacity building, Network formation and partnerships,
Multicultural Engagement, Youth empowerment. So with enrolment of different
sectors and NGOs, we awarded youth in reproductive health matters and making
service delivery friendlier.