Contraception from a holistic perspective – a user view
T. Belfield
Family Planning Association, UK
Patients, consumers, users, clients are all terms for women and men who
receive sexual health services. The reality is whatever we call people we see
for information, advice, support and treatment – without them we would have no
role. The last 30 years has seen a huge change in the availability and provision
of contraceptive methods. Contraception has moved from the narrow confines of
women’s welfare to being an integral part of sexual health. This recognises
that contraception involves men, is provided for in many different types of
settings and importantly must be seen as more than just protecting against
unplanned pregnancy, and needs to encompass the wider area of sexual health
including sexual infection, abortion and sexual wellbeing. Research shows us
that people are having more sexual partners, that they are knowledgeable about
contraception and the use of condoms but do not use contraception consistently
or always correctly, that sexually transmitted infections are increasing and
that there is a wide variability in sexual lifestyles by age, gender,
relationship and residence and all this is normal. Research also shows us that
people do not always behave rationally, or in an organised or planned manner
with their sex lives. As such sexual health services need to develop a holistic
approach and become more ‘person-centred’ and must address more than ‘just
the waist down’ but involve ‘hearts and minds’ too.
This short presentation will look at user’s perspectives on contraception
and contraceptive services to provide an understanding of what people think
about contraceptive methods, and how this translates into use or non-use of
contraception, and why contraceptive provision must be seen within the context
of sexual health.