Procurable safety contraception leads to reduction of abortion risk

Procurable safety contraception leads to reduction of abortion risk 


Fait (1,3), J. Kocourkova (2,3), R. Uzel (3) 

Dept. of Obstetrics and

Gynecology 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague (1); Dept. of

Demography and Geodemography, Faculty of Natural Science, Charles University

(2); Czech Family Planning Association SPRSV (3), Prague, Czech Republic 

Objective: To verify on demography changes influence of contraceptive’s

possibilities on the abortion rate. 

Design: Demography study 

Results: The

1990s represent a radical transition from the socialist era in the Czech

Republic, when induced abortion was a common method of unwanted pregnancy

additional prevention. Abortion was legalised according the } 68/1957 law many

years before hormonal contraception was widespread. Government tried to reduce

number of induced abortions by so-called abortion boards from 1962 to 1987 and

by abortion fees until 1993. But restriction was not successful. During the

last 10 years the magnificent lowering of the abortion rate by 60% was

connected with the increase of hormone contraception users by 613%. Whereas in

1990 only 17% used medically prescribed contraception, today it is 39% of

childbearing. The rapid decrease of terminated pregnancies total intensity per

woman from 3.67 in 1990 to 1.74 in 2001 is largely due to induced abortion

intensity decrease (57%). Fertility decrease (39%), spontaneous abortion total

number decrease (3%) and ectopic pregnancy and stillbirths decrease (less than

1%) bore a minor role. The sharpest decrease (78%) took place within the

female 20–24 age group. Average age at abortion grew by 2.5 years. There are

still some problems. First order abortion percentage grew merely from 50 to

54%. In 2000, 94% of women who underwent abortion did not use any

contraception. Stable percentage of 7% concerns fourth or further order

abortions. The most important group undergoing induced abortion remains

mothers of two children (38%). 

Conclusions: The women’s right to decide

about their pregnancy could be broken by legal restrictions of abortion. The

reduction of the abortion rate is closely connected with the modern

contraception widespread. It is also more successful than any pronatality

political climate. Data from the Czech Republic are the best confirmation of


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