Randomised trial comparing expectant with medical management for first trimester miscarriages

Randomised trial comparing expectant with medical management

for first trimester miscarriages

A. Jamal

Department of OB/GYN, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,


Objective: To compare the efficacy of prostaglandin E

analogue (misoprostol) for rapid evacuation of pathologic miscarriages.

Design & Methods: The study group was selected from

women attending the OB/GYN clinic at Shariati University Hospital. Inclusion

criteria was healthy women with pathological pregnancy (1. an intact but empty

gestational sac on two occasion and at least one week interval; 2. gestational

sac with a non-viable fetus) and an estimated gestational age of less than 13

weeks and closed cervix on clinical examination. Women randomised to misoprostol

treatment were admitted at hospital and received 800 mg misoprostol vaginally

(n=30) or expectant management (n=30). They had surgical evacuation if they had

severe bleeding or pain or retained products of conception with a diameter above

15 mm one week after inclusion. Comparisons between groups were performed by

Fisher’s test, two tailed test and p 50.05 was considered significant.

Results: There were no significant differences in women’s

characteristics between the two groups. Eighty percent of the women randomized

to misoprostol and 20% of those randomized to expectant management had an empty

uterine cavity after one week that reached significant difference. Fifty percent

of both groups needed surgical evacuation based on transvaginal ultrasound.

Women who had a complete miscarriage without intervention were satisfied with

either method and women who did not have empty uterus after a week requested

pharmacological treatment.

Conclusion: Medical intervention with misoprostol was

associated with rapid resolution, more satisfaction, so less patient’s anxiety.

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