Contraceptive use in premenopausal years
H. Hassa, S. Ozalp, H.M. Tanir, T. Sener, T. Oge
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of
Osmangazi, Eskisehir, Turkey
Introduction: The objective of this study were to gain
information about fertility characteristics and contraceptive use of women in
premenopausal years.
Aims and Methods: Number of pregnancies, children,
abortion and the last contraceptive method they had used aged over 50, who
completed their family, were retrospectively evaluated from 1997 to 2002.
Results: From 1252 patient, 426 (34%) had 4 or more
pregnancies, while 413 (33%) had 3 and 338 (27%) had 2 pregnancies. 376 (30%)
had 4 or more children, 382 (30.5%) had 3 children, 375 (30%) had 2 children
while 119 (9.5%) had only one child. In addition, 655 cases (52.3%) had no
history of abortion while 291 cases (23.2%) had one abortion and 306 cases
(24.4%) had two or more abortions, respectively Almost half of patients were
born in city (50.1%). Regarding the last contraceptive method used, we observed
that 635 patients (51.7%) preferred any contraceptive method,while only 233
patient (18%) preferred modern contraceptive methods. Coitus interruptus was the
most preferred method with 415 patients (33.1%) and intrauterin device was the
most preferred modern method with 151 patients (12%).
Conclusion: In the premenopausal years, as to prevent
unwanted pregnancies efforts should be made to increase the use of modern
contraceptive method.