Aspects concerning the cervix pathology in the activity of the Family Planning Department

Aspects concerning the cervix pathology in the activity of the Family

Planning Department

A. Karimzadeh (1), M. Zaharia (1), M. Zaharia (2)

Filantropia Clinical Hospital, Bucarest, Romania (1); High Medical School,

Bucarest, Romania (2); Family planning Department, Obstetricsgynaecology

Division, Filantropia Clinical Hospital, Bucarest, Romania

Introduction: The multinational study made by WHO and published in

1993 underlines the fact that women that take contraceptive pills for a long

period have a 2,2 times greather risk to develop a cervical cancer compared to

the rest of the woman population. The purpose of this paper is to watch the

cervical transformations at young woman that used oral contraceptives.

Aims and Methods: In 2001–2002 there were clinically, cytologically

and colposcopically examined 500 women who requested oral contraceptives. The

exams were performed in the Family Planning Department of the Filantropia

Clinical Hospital, Bucarest, but the women population were only in a proportion

of 83% of Bucarest, and 17% of the rest of the country.

Results: Following the investigations, it was noticed that among those

women, aged between 18–25, the cervical pathology is dominated by the presence

of the minor atypical transformations occured in massive specific and

non-specifif inflamatory conditions. Therefore it is recommended the examination

of all oral contraceptive users in order to identify the minor atypical

regeneration processes, their treatment and supervision due to the possibility

of infestation and re-infestation through unprotected sexual intercourse (non-specific

infections and especially specific infections: HPV, chlamidia, trichomonas, etc.)

Conclusions: On the shown sample of woman population, no case of

cervical cancer was detected for woman using oral contraceptive, and the minore

atypical changements may be generated from the shown inflamatory factors.

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