Contraceptive trends in Spain: 1997–2003

Contraceptive trends in Spain: 1997–2003

I. Lete, J.L. Dueñas, I. Serrano, J.L. Doval, J.J. Parrilla, J.

Martinez-Salmean, C. Coll, R. Bermejo

Daphne Group

Introduction: The Daphne group was created to study the attitudes and

the use of contraceptive methods in Spain and to promote actions to improve the

knowledge of contraception in the general population and physicians. From 1997

until 2003 a biennial survey on the use of contraceptive methods has being

performed between women in fertile age.

Aims and Methods: To know the trends of use contraceptive methods in

Spain in women aged 15 to 49 years old during the period 1997 to 2003. A

questionnaire was designed to investigate the rate of use of contraceptive

methods in fertile women and the reasons of selection of the method. The same

questionnaire was used in the years 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2003 and with the same

number of women.

Results: The number of women included was calculated in order to be a

representative sample of the total fertile age women, a number of 2.300 women

per year have answered the questionnaire. During these years the use of any

method of contraception has gone from 55.6% to 71,2%. Barrier methods, condoms,

are the ones that have experienced the major increase (21% in 1997, 21.9% in

1999, 29.5% in 2001 and 35.7% in 2003). Contraceptive pills have has also

increased (14.2% in 1997, 16.5% in 1999, 19.2 in 2001 and 18.3% in 2003).

Intrauterine devices have remained stable around 5%. Concerning the information

source about contraceptive methods 50% of women ask for contraception through a

medical professional, doctor or nurse. This percentage has increased along the

last years.

Conclusions: In the last 6 years contraceptive use has increased

significantly among Spanish women achieving rates comparable to other European


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