Access to emergency contraception
T. Bombas, C. Silva, D. Velho, M.J. Trindade, T.S. Fernandes
Family Planning Association, Coimbra, Portugal
In Portugal since 1984 the family planning services and contraceptive methods
are free. Despite that, we estimate that we have 20 000 not legal abortions per
year. Emergency contraception can reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected
intercourse by as much as 95% and it is available without a medical prescription
since 2002. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and
practices regarding emergency contraception in pharmacies of our city. The study
questionnaire was administered in 31 pharmacies simulate the demand of emergency
contraception. In majority (64.5%) the sell was done by qualified professionals.
In 6.5% the sell was refused, in 29.0% was done without questions and in the
65.5% the pharmacist inquired about the need for this form of contraception. The
information about safety, secondary effects and form of use was in majority of
cases well done, 89.7%, 62.1% and 65.5% respectively. The information about the
results of emergency contraception was correct in 72.4% of cases. In 75.9% of
cases there was no orientation for family planning appointment and only in 41.4%
the pharmacist talk about a contraceptive method for the future. The pharmacist
were not enough informed about the emergency contraception and we have to do
more to sensitize these professionals for the family planning services.