The development of a client-led transgender support group at the Sandyford
Initiative in Glasgow
C. MacKillop
The Sandyford Initiative, Glasgow, UK
Introduction: At the end of 2001, a client of the gender dysphoria
service at the Sandyford Initiative – Glasgow’s centre for reproductive,
sexual and emotional health – highlighted the need for a peer support group
for transgendered people. In conjunction with the Sandyford’s community access
worker they established an innovative model of peer support, which since its
inception in March 2002, has completely changed levels of community
participation for this user group.
Method: To enable transgendered people, along with their partners and
families to access peer support by developing a group process. This should
demonstrate reciprocity in that group members would have the space to discuss
personal issues, and the Sandyford Initiative would receive valuable feedback on
its services to recruit skilled volunteers to facilitate the group from a
position of experience and sensitivity.
Results: From an initially small membership, the group now meets
bi-monthly and approximately 20 people attend each meeting from a pool of around
50 people. The group have produced their own holistic client information leaflet
which is used both within and outwith Sandyford; they have successfully
challenged the referral route into transgender counseling; they have presented
at an international gender dysphoria symposium on the development of the group;
they work with the library and information staff to ensure that resources
purchased are appropriate. As the group has become more widely known and
recognized as a model of good practice, it is continually approached to be
involved in needs assessment work such as the participatory appraisal work
undertaken by the National NHS INCLUSION Project. The group is now involved in
supporting the development of a sister body in Edinburgh and the establishment
of a national advisory group which will ensure community representation in
developments such as any Scottish Managed Clinical Network on gender dysphoria.
Conclusion: The support group has developed into an accepted and
successful mechanism for ensuring transgendered people’s participation in the
ongoing development of services at the Sandyford Initiative. Moreover, the group
has facilitated invaluable peer support for this client group and has acted as a
safe and supportive springboard for people coming out as transgendered who can
then access appropriate services as and when they feel ready.