Health personnel improvement for STI/AIDS prevention program
S.H. Djalalinia, M. Simbar, N. Peikari, M. Rostami Dovom
NRCRH, Department of Research & Technology, MOHME, Tehran, Iran
Objective: This study aimed to decrease community high-risk behaviours
via health personnel improvement for STI/AIDS prevention program. It was
designed to implement special training course on communication, health education
and counselling for health network staff who cooperate with regard to STI/AIDS.
The topics of their training programme were: Communication, Counselling. Harm
reduction, Out reach programmes, Resource mobilization, Mass media campaign.
Results: Based on the outcome of this three-stage training workshop.
These suggests are recommended based on the out time .the training piagre. 1-
Interaction with the local communities and health personnel should be more
focused 2- Seminar/awareness workshop for health personnel and stakeholders
should be organized and appropriate IEC material should be prepared and
delivered to them. 3- Personnel contacts and networking should be established to
intervene like-minded people in the community to involve them for community
mobilization on STI/AIDS prevention programme.
Conclusions: Success of STI/AIDS prevention programmes must be
conducted through the balanced partnership of community, health staff and
governmental support. For this aim health personnel improvement should be
considered as an important vital.