The faculty of family planning and reproductive healthcare guidance on 12-month supply of the pill – is it happening?

The faculty of family planning and reproductive healthcare guidance on

12-month supply of the pill – is it happening?

H. Cockburn, L.A.

Green Family Planning and Well Woman Services, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Objective: To identify whether the UK Faculty of Family Planning and

Reproductive Healthcare (FFPRHC) guidance advising the provision of up to 12

months supply of oral hormonal contraception to women established on the pill,

is being followed by providers in a central family planning service in Scotland.

Design: For a one-week period, all case records of patients who were

attending for hormonal contraception were audited at the end of the clinic

session. Staff were not informed of the audit. The woman’s age, fertility

intentions, duration of pill use, use of the same brand of pill and duration of

supply of the pill that doctors prescribed for women were extracted from the


Results: 104 sets of case notes were reviewed. 26 women (25%) were

given twelve packets of pills. For these women the duration of use of current

brand of pill ranged from 9 months to 10 years. None of them was starting oral

contraception for the first time. 41 women (39%) received six packets of pills.

Four of these women (9.7%) had a medical problem including raised B.P, history

of migraine, or a problem with facial spots. 37 women (35%) received a

three-month supply. 67% of these women (25) were starting this pill for the

first time. For the others, the reasons for offering only 3 months supply

included smoking over 20 cigarettes daily, breakthrough bleeding, significant

weight gain. All women given only three months supply were invited for review

before they had used their full supply.

Conclusions: Despite the UK FFPRHC guidance, only 25% of women are

being supplied with 12 packets of oral contraception at routine follow-up. While

there appear to be good clinical reasons in most cases for providing only three

packets of pills, many women who are getting only six packets, could probably be

given enough to last for one year. The results will be fed back to the clinic

staff together with a reminder of the guidance and the audit will be repeated in

six months time.

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