Improving access – reaching out with a ‘‘Clinic in a Box’’

Improving access – reaching out with a ‘‘Clinic in a Box’’

A. Deacon

Harrow Family Planning and Reproductive Health Service – The North West

London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK

Introduction: How one small NorthWest London Hospital Trust’s Family

Planning and Reproductive Health Service has developed an outreach service.

Method: Imaginative and prudent use of funding combined with extended

nurse prescribing and pro-active liaison has led to satellite/link and signpost

nurse-led services, taking a ‘‘Clinic in a Box’’ directly into schools,

colleges, young parents, and hardto- reach and at-risk young people groups, thus

improving access to contraceptive services, advice and information.

Conclusion: The poster will show how the success of the pilot ‘‘Clinic

in a Box’’ project within the teenage parent group (63% now using long-term

contraception) has provided a framework to expand and develop the outreach

service within Harrow.

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