‘Youth-friendly’ health services

‘Youth-friendly’ health services

N. Salakos, S. Voskakis, K. Tseberi, G. Papadopoulou, G. Creatsas

Division of Family Planning Association of the 2nd Department of

Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Athens, Aretaieion Hospital, Athens,


Introduction: Since the International Conference on Population and

Development in 1994, there has been an upsurge in efforts to provide appropriate

sexual and reproductive health services to young people. These new initiatives

have been developed in response to the evidence that young people often feel

unwelcomed at traditional family planning or reproductive health clinics,

combined with an increased awareness of the special needs and rights of youth in

the area of sexual and reproductive health. To overcome these obstacles the

Division of Family Planning of the 2nd Dept of Ob/Gyn. University of Athens

‘‘Aretaieion Hospital’’ use a model programme so as to provide ‘‘youth-friendly

services’’ based on evidence documenting what young people want. The

services that the Division of Family Planning provide are the following:

programs in the Greek islands distributing informative booklets with condoms.

These were realised in 3 islands, and were distributed 4000 informative booklets.

The phrase that characterizes these programs is the ‘‘Youth to Youth’’.Speeches

in schools, high school and middle school with subjects of sexual and

reproductive health. Each year speeches in over 40 schools in all Greece, in

over 3000 students are given. Each year is realised an educational seminar which

follows 2 seminar circles. The seminar is watched annually from 200–300

professionals of health. Organises speeches in provincial cities in

collaboration with other Family Planning clinics, pharmaceutical and medical

associations, with subject ‘‘The Sexual health and contraception’’ Over

10 speeches annually. Informative events in world days as the day of AIDS

distributing informative booklets in collaboration with the Youth Team of the

Hellenic Family Planning Association. Answers in questions of public on issues

of sexual and reproductive health via the hot-line that functions in the

department. The feedback of these services is the increase of calls in the

department and the increase of visits in the department at 10% concerning the

previous years.

Conclusion: Providing ‘‘youth-friendly services’’ we create a

powerful link between the professionals of health and the young people.

Investing in adolescents health and rights will yield large benefits for

generations to come.

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