Sexual confusion and psychological impotence
M. Shuaib Ashraf, A. Fiadorchanka, A. Melnikov
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus
Sexual happiness (well being) plays an important role in the life of men,
which determines importance of different aspects of sexual (frustration,
confusion, upset) and dyshormonisation. Different psychological disturbance not
only the basics cause of sexual confusion but also not in frequently complicate
their course. In 50,8% men were marked psychological confusion. We frequently
found men with anxious disturbance of neurotic and personality nature. Anxious
disturbance complicate course of many sexual confusion of physical nature serves
the sexual disturbance and rarely leads to severe attack of anxious (panic) or
anxious attack. Panic attack, which is a bright and dramatic appearance of panic
disturbance. It is a psycho-vegetative paroxysm and characterized by radical
paroxismality (acuteness), vegetative symptoms and emotional effectiveness.
State of panic attack may be due to disturbance of auto regulation, personal
factors and external problems (family and sexual problems). It was marked the
dependence in frequency of complaints on working condition i.e. physical and
emotional overload conflicts with colleagues. It makes difficult to help such
patients and they need complex therapy, in which medical and psychotherapeutic
treatment is different in every concrete patient. It was confirmed the relation
of panic attacks of sexual problems (in rare cases from reducing to complete
refusal). This reduced sexual interest of men was noted due to the tear of heart
attack, death or appearance of attacks. In panic attacks with sexual problem of
men are related to psychological impotence or anxious expectations in sexual
failure. It may be appearance of more deep and complex psychological problems,
which suggest and accentuate in their treatment.