Hepatitis B screening amongst men who have sex with men within a sexual health clinic

Hepatitis B screening amongst men who have sex with men within a sexual

health clinic

C. McDermott

The Sandyford Initiative, Glasgow, UK

Objective: The Steve Retson Project within the Sandyford Initiative,

Glasgow offers sexual health screening to men who have sex with men. All new and

re-book clients attending the Steve Retson Project (SRP) should be offered

hepatitis core anti-body (Hep BcAb) testing. Clients who test HepBcAb negative

should be offered and receive 3 vaccines within the appropriate timescale.

Previously the timescale for vaccination was 6 months, where the completion rate

for eligible clients was 45%. The timescale has now been reduced to 3 weeks. The

aim of the study was to demonstrate that our completion rate has improved since

the timescale has been reduced.

Method: A retrospective audit of all men attending SRP presenting with

new issues over a 3 month period. This included clients accessing services for

the first time (new) and clients returning to the service with a new problem (re-book).

Notes were reviewed and the hepatitis status and vaccine history extracted.

Results: A total of 91 case notes were reviewed. 59 clients did not

require HepBcAb testing due to previous vaccinations or acquired immunity. 1

client declined testing and 2 clients were not tested. 29 new and re-book

clients were HepBcAb tested. 2 clients had positive results, leaving a total of

27 eligible for vaccination. 23 clients completed vaccination schedule, 2

clients had 2 vaccines, 1 client had 1 vaccine and 1 client had no vaccine. This

represents a 79% completion rate for eligible clients.

Conclusion: A reduced timescale for vaccination schedule has improved

the completion rate of vaccination amongst men who have sex with men within our


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