Benefits of oral contraception in late reproductive age and in perimenopausal period

Benefits of oral contraception in late reproductive age and in

perimenopausal period

N.M. Pasman, A.V. Dudareva, G.N. Poleva, Oparina

Novosibirsk State University, Russia

Objective: To evaluate efficacy, acceptability of oral low-doses

contraceptives in users of late reproductive age (over 40 to 45 years) and in

woven in perimenopausal period (from 46 to 51 years).

Design and Methods: 65 patients aged 40–51 (1 group–42 women aged

40–45; 2 group – 23 women aged 46–51) non-smokers, healthy, without

contraindications for OC, reserved low-dose OC ( 20 µg ethynyloestradiol, 75

µg gestaden – Logest; 20 µg ethinylestradiol and 150 µg desogestreli -Novinett).

Laboratory tests and clinical examination were performed at inclusion and after

6 and 12 and 24 months. The OC users were observed in 768 cycles and control

group women (don’t users of OC, n=21, aged 40–51) in 235 cycles. The blood

pressure level, lipid and glucoses profiles, parameters of hemostasis were


Results: we don’t obtained serious side effects. On follow-up visits

the lipid levels (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL), plasma levels of

glucose, parameters of hemostasis (fibrinogen, thrombocytes, AT111) were no

difference between 1, 2 and control group. There were no pregnancies in the OC

groups, and were 3 in the control group. Three patients of 2-th OC group were

menopausal (high FSH); HRT were recommended as a continuation for guarding of


Conclusion: Using of low-dose oral contraceptive Logest fnd Novinett

can be recommended as effective and acceptable method in healthy non-smoking

women over 40 to 51years with the next applying HRT.

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