Benefits of oral contraception in late reproductive age and in
perimenopausal period
N.M. Pasman, A.V. Dudareva, G.N. Poleva, Oparina
Novosibirsk State University, Russia
Objective: To evaluate efficacy, acceptability of oral low-doses
contraceptives in users of late reproductive age (over 40 to 45 years) and in
woven in perimenopausal period (from 46 to 51 years).
Design and Methods: 65 patients aged 40–51 (1 group–42 women aged
40–45; 2 group – 23 women aged 46–51) non-smokers, healthy, without
contraindications for OC, reserved low-dose OC ( 20 µg ethynyloestradiol, 75
µg gestaden – Logest; 20 µg ethinylestradiol and 150 µg desogestreli -Novinett).
Laboratory tests and clinical examination were performed at inclusion and after
6 and 12 and 24 months. The OC users were observed in 768 cycles and control
group women (don’t users of OC, n=21, aged 40–51) in 235 cycles. The blood
pressure level, lipid and glucoses profiles, parameters of hemostasis were
Results: we don’t obtained serious side effects. On follow-up visits
the lipid levels (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL), plasma levels of
glucose, parameters of hemostasis (fibrinogen, thrombocytes, AT111) were no
difference between 1, 2 and control group. There were no pregnancies in the OC
groups, and were 3 in the control group. Three patients of 2-th OC group were
menopausal (high FSH); HRT were recommended as a continuation for guarding of
Conclusion: Using of low-dose oral contraceptive Logest fnd Novinett
can be recommended as effective and acceptable method in healthy non-smoking
women over 40 to 51years with the next applying HRT.