The Relation of EBCOG with Scientific organisations in Europe
F. A. Van Assche
Past-President EBCOG President UEMS Section
EBCOG is the Board of the UEMS Section Obstetrics and
Gynaecology. EBCOG Is the pan European organisation of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology . 33 National Societies belong to EBCOG and the UEMS Section. EBCOG
wants to harmonise and improve postgraduate education and medical care in the
profit for the women and the unborn and newborn child.
EBCOG and the Section have recognised four Subspecialties in
Europe; Maternal- Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Medicine, Gynaecologic Oncology,
and Urogynaecology. The Scientific organisations governing these Subspecialties
are members of the Executive Committee and Council of EBCOG and the Section.
An important Committee in EBCOG is the Standing Committee on
Training and Assessment(SCTA).
This committee reflects on the total aspect of postgraduate
education and CMECPD.
Three major Scientific organisations in Europe are active
members of this SCTA: The European Society of Contraception, The European
Federation of Colposcopy and the European Society of Gynaecologic Endoscopy.
There is an excellent mutual collaboration between EBCOG and the
Section and the Scientific organisations.