Experience of using the innovative contraceptive NuvaRing in Ukraine 

Experience of using the innovative contraceptive NuvaRing in


I.V. Vovk, L. Novik, G. Chubei 

Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and

Gynecology, Kiev, Ukraine 

Objectives Giving birth to a desired, healthy child

at the optimum time is especially important in countries where demographic

crisis is observed, Ukraine included. Birth control with most effective and safe

method of contraception is vital both for a patient and for a family planning

expert. The aim of research. was to study the acceptability of the vaginal

contraceptive ring NuvaRing and its effect on women’s quality of life. 

Methods Two hundred and seventy women participated in all-Ukrainian clinical observation “NuvaRing

innovative contraceptive” which was held in 15 centers of 8 Ukrainian


Results Following three months of the use of the contraceptive 97% of

patients stated with confidence that they were satisfied with the ring. The

easiness of the ring insertion and removal, which was mentioned by 97.5% of

women, the fact that it was not felt during sexual intercourse (only 1% of women

and 1.3% of men felt it often and always) make this method of contraception more

acceptable. Less painful menstruation observed in 35.6% of the studied women,

relief of premenstrual syndrome in 36.9%, less voluminous bleeding in 40.4% of

women, improved sexual life in 40.9% contributed to the improvement of general

quality of life in half of patients. Following three months of NuvaRing use 83%

of women mention its positive effect on sexual relations, which is proved by

more regular sexual life. After three-month study 93.1% of women identified

NuvaRing as a preferable method of contraception. 

Conclusions Possibility of

independent use of NuvaRing, easiness in its use, additional positive effects

and high effectiveness raise its acceptability for women.

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