Attitudes and experiences of Mesigyna users at family
planning services of Umraniye,Istanbul – A qualitative research
A. Karahan1, S. Kalaca1,
A. Karahan2, S. Hidiroglu1, F. Demir1
1Marmara University School of Medicine,
Public Health, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Lutfiye Nuri Burat Hospital, Internal Medicine,
Istanbul, Turkey
Objective The aim of this qualitative research is to identify
Mesigyna users’ sociodemografic characteristics and the factors behind choosing,
continiuing and leaving this method.
Design and methods Although this is a
qualitative study it contains a quantitative component which depends on
collecting data of Mesigyna ever users from 13 public family planning clinics at
Umraniye Health District and analysed at SPSS. At qualitative component, 17
discontiuars and 16 continuars of 8 focus grup discussions were held and
analysed by themes.
Results The profile of Mesigyna ever users are at the age
of 25-29 , a education level of primary school and houseviwes with 2 children.
The method before Mesigyna was mostly withdrawal, then Depo- Provera. Altough
the women attending to the focus groups mostly satisfied from the method because
of effectiveness and easy usage, both continuars and discontinuars complain
about the cost of the method. Women want this method be free of charge such as
other contraceptive methods provided at public family planning clinics. The
quality of family planning services and councelling also effects womens
acceptabilty and continuing of this method. The most reason to discontinue this
method is the cost of the method. Following reasons are menstrual problems,
other side effects, rumors and the attitude of husbands.
Conclusions The cost
of the method is the most important problem about this method so that must to be
solved the first. The government must take the responsibility of providing this
method free at public sector so that such an effective and easy usage method can
be used more widely.
KEY WORDS Mesigyna, satisfaction, family planning,
Umraniye, Istanbul