Contraceptive efficacy and safety of low dose oral monophasic contraceptives

Contraceptive efficacy and safety of low dose oral monophasic


D Tutunaru1, I Badea2, F D Lebit1, M C Dumitrascu2 


Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania and 2Universitary Emergency Hospital,

Bucharest, Romania 

Objective To determine contraceptive efficacy and safety of

the long term administration of the low dose oral monophasic contraceptive

containing 0,02 mg ethinylestradiol/2mg chlormandione acetate. 

Design and methods Two years prospective, nonrandomized, open label study. Inclusion

criteria: female subjects in reproductive age, sexually active, with regular

menses, who have signed inform consent. Exclusion criteria: smokers over 35

years, BMI over 30, irregular menses, PCOS, abnormal cervical cytology, aberrant

coagulation patterns, abnormal liver tests, failure to comply with pills

administration schedule. Patients had to fill a diary recording symptoms as:

headache, breast tension, nervousness, libido status, nausea, vomiting and

bleeding pattern. Any adverse event was noted down and analyzed concerning

relation to drug administration. 

Results From 80 patients who matched the

inclusion criteria, 67 finished the study. There was no pregnancy during the

study, except one case who failed to take investigational product according to

schedule. There was no major abnormal bleeding pattern, spotting being the major

symptom in 21 cases, and 7 cases of irregular bleeding in the first 3 months

which vanished afterwards. 

Conclusions The low dose oral monophasic

contraceptive containing 0,02 mg ethinylestradiol/2mg chlormandione acetate

proved to be very efficient in preventing pregnancy and with no serious adverse


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