Updating of the election criteria of the AHC
I. Ramirez, E.
López Arregui, J.L. Doval Conde
Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of
Contraception, Madrid, Spain
Objective In November 2005, SEC promoted an
important meeting (Conference of Consent) of the Spanish scientific community,
to update, with the criteria of medicine based on the evidence, the indications
or approaches of eligibility of hormonal contraceptives.
Material and method
The CDC (Conference of Consent) was carried out on November 10th, 11th and 12th
in Aranjuez (Spain), gathering the country’s 85 most outstanding experts, whose
contributions and discussions were evaluated by a multidisciplinary Jury (endocrinists,
haematologists, general practitioners, cardiologists, gynaecologists and
sanitary authorities) who reported the conclusions of the event with criteria of
qualified majority (minimum consent of 75 %).
They worked on a previous process
of documentation, carried out by medical specialists from evaluation agencies,
who revised more than 2600 scientific articles. They were selected because of
their quality according to medicine based on evidence, 750 articles on whose
base the experts’ opinions were reported.
Result This first poster introduces
the present evidence on the criteria of eligibility of the AHO, up to date,
standing out the modifications so far on the existent consent.