Continuity of Implanon usage after three years of use 

Continuity of Implanon usage after three years of use 

K Ertopcu,

MM Inal, N Kokturk, I Ozelmas, S Tinar 

Aegean Obst&Gyn Teaching and Research

Hospital Family Planning Department, Izmir, Turkey 

Objective Evaluation of

contentment from and continuity of the subdermal contraceptive implant (Implanon)

after 3 years of usage 

Methods Implanon applied cases who had admitted to our

Family Planning Department for contraception throughout 2002 were enrolled into

the study. Age, educational status, pregnancy and children number, contraceptive

methods used before Implanon and reproductive targets of all cases were

evaluated. Cases who discontinue the method, causes of discontinuation, time of

discontinuation and new chosen methods were recorded. Demographic

characteristics of all cases from each group was compared. 

Results Implanon

applied 68 cases were enrolled into the study. Thirtyseven of the cases (54.4%)

used Implanon for 3 years (until the end of expiry date). Thirtyone of the cases

discontinued the method (45.6%). Discontinuation time periods were as follows;

6.5% of the cases in the first 6 months, 13% of the cases in between 6-12 months,

48% of the cases in between 13-24 months, and 32% of the cases in between 25-36

months. Causes of the method discontinuation were menometrorhagia with a rate of

42% and amennorhea with a rate of 13%. 

Most frequently chosen method after

discontinuation of Implanon was oral contraceptives with a rate of 35.5%.

Percentage of the cases who had completed the 3 years with Implanon reported

their contentment was 86.5%. But 37.5% of this group declared that they couldnot

continue the method because of financial problems. 25% of the cases discontinued

the method because of baby desire. 18.75% of the cases were undecided for the

continuation the method. And Implanon was again applied to the rest 18.75% of

the cases. 

Sixty-eight percent of the cases who discontinued the method was in between

20-30 years of age group, whereas 65% of this age group used Implanon for

contraception for three years. Method discontinuation rate over 41 years of age

group was 3.2%, and rate of cases who completed the three years period from this

age group was 13.5%. Rate of university graduated cases was 5.8% in discontinued

group, whereas 2.9% in completed group. 42% of the cases who discontinued the

method were using coitus interruptus as a contraceptive method before Implanon

experience, but this rate was 19% of the cases who completed the three years

with the method. 48% of the cases who discontinued the method had 1 child, but

35% of the cases who completed the three years with the method had one child. 

Conclusion Demographic characteristics are not the primary factor affecting the

discontinuation rate of the subdermal contraceptive implant (Implanon). Besides

detailed and descriptive counselority given before the method application will

affect the continuity of the method positively.

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