Induced abortion and contraceptive use in 15-49 years women
S. Yilmaz, E. Ege, B. Akin, Ç. Çelik
Selçuk Üni. Konya; k Yüksekokulu, Konya, Turkey, Selçuk Unv Meram; p Fak, Konya, Turkey
Objective The aim of this
study is to describe the reasons of induced abortion and contraception
preference of the 15-49 years old women.
Design and methods This study has
descriptive design. The study setting is Dr. Faruk Sükan Women and Children
Hospital in Konya. One hundred and three women (15-49 yrs) who came for induced abortion to the MR
(Menstruel Regulation) Polyclinic from 11 November 2005 to 31 January 2006 and
who accepted to join the study. It has been used a questionnaire consisted of 27
questions on variables such as demographic features, the reasons of valuntery
abortion and contraception preference of women. One investigator collected the
data with face to face interwievs. Percentages were calculated and Chi-square
tests carried out.
Results The mean age of the 103 women in the study was 32.7
(SD: 5.91, median: 32.0, mode: 30, min.18, max. 45). From the 103 women studied
85.4 % of them were literate or primary school graduates, women with 3. or more
pregnancy used abortion/MR with high frequency (94.2 %). The most frequent
reason for abortion was the number of children (47.6 %) and 59.4 % of women had
been used to coitus interruption for contraceptive method just before the
Conclusions Induced abortion is stil used as method of family
planning. Focused contraception counseling, especialy in thr post partum
setting, is important to help ensure the well-being of women and children.
KEY WORDS Induced abortion, Contraceptive use, Women health