Change in reasons for rejecting to use the monthly contraceptive ring. Three-year comparison

Change in reasons for rejecting to use the monthly contraceptive

ring. Three-year comparison 

A. Casasús, I. Vila, J.M Marin, A. Martin, R.


Basque Contraception Society, Basque Country, Spain 

Background The

market launch of a new contraceptive method inserted monthly into the vagina for

the administration of hormones entails a change in the cultural patterns

acquired by most of our society, accustomed for over 40 years to daily oral


Objective To ascertain the reasons for rejecting to use the

monthly contraceptive ring (MCR). 

Methods A total of 948 women participate in

this cross-sectional, multicentre study carried out in the Basque Country in

2005. Women attending specific contraception consultations were recruited after

receiving advice about combined hormonal methods and being offered the

opportunity of using the MCR. Data were collected on the sociodemographic

characteristics of the women, contraception currently using, use of tampons,

their previous knowledge of the MCR, the source of this information, and the

reasons for refusing this method if they did reject it. The data were compared

with a study with the same characteristics, which recruited 1266 women in 2003. 

Results The main reasons for rejecting were similar in both studies: distrusted

the efficacy (15% in 2003 vs. 7.9% in 2005), suspicion it would be uncomfortable

(10.3% vs. 20.4%), not wanting to have to manipulate the genitals (16.5% vs.

13.4%) and fear of putting a foreign body into the vagina (11.5% vs. 8.2%). A

comparison of the two studies showed that only two reasons for not agreeing to

use the ring had changed significantly: distrust of the efficacy had decreased

(p = 0.05) and suspicion that it would be uncomfortable had increased (p =

0.05). However, it should be emphasized that a significant percentage of women

who did not accept the MCR were recruited by the same investigator, which again

leads us to consider the importance of the health professional in giving

contraceptive advice.The source of information influence the acceptance of the

ring as a contraceptive method. Information obtained from friends and family

seemed to favour acceptance of the method while that obtained through the media

seemed to reduce it. 

Conclusions The rate of acceptance of the ring by women

was greater in the 2005 study than in the 2003 study (58% vs. 64%), which was

statistically significant. The reasons to reject had similar rates in both

studies, except for two: distrust in the efficacy decreased although suspicion

that it would be uncomfortable increased. The source of information and health

professional advice are crucial for acceptance.

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