Acceptance of the monthly contraceptive ring among users of contraception

Acceptance of the monthly contraceptive ring among users of


A. Etxebarria, E. Lopez Arregui, J. Zulueta, M. Jimenez, J. Peña,

J. Gurrea 

Basque Contraception Society, Basque Country, Spain 

Background The

acceptability of a method of contraception is fundamental to adequate compliance.

The availability of new methods and guidelines on the market made us wonder

whether there exists a specific user profile for each method. 

Objective To

ascertain the level of acceptance of the monthly contraceptive ring (MCR) in a

population of women who use contraception. 

Methods A total of 948 women agreed

to participate in this cross-sectional, descriptive, multicentre study carried

out at 17 public and private centres in the Basque Country between September and

December 2005. Women aged between 18 and 49 attending specific contraception

consultations were recruited after receiving advice about the various combined

hormonal methods and being offered the opportunity of using the MCR. Data were

collected on the sociodemographic characteristics of the women, the method of

contraception they were using, the use of tampons, their previous knowledge of

the MCR and the source of information, and the reasons for refusing to use it. 

Results A total of 64.2% of the women agreed to use the MCR. Their mean age was 26.5 years,

with no statistically differences with respect to the age. Neither were there

significant differences in the method previously used (52.8% condom and 35.5%

pill) or the choice of the MCR. Although there were no significant differences

in the acceptance of the MCR according to the level of education of the women,

it tended to be used more among women with a university education (68%) than

among those with a basic education (59%). Two factors that determined acceptance

of the MCR were identified: the previous use of tampons and the type of

consultation (public or private) the women attended. 91% of the interviewed

women used tampons and 64% of them agreed to use the ring. However, it should be

pointed out that 43% of the women who had never used tampons agreed to use the

ring. As regards the type of consultation, there were differences in the rates

of acceptance of the MCR among those who attended public consultations (59%) and

those who attended private consultations (69%), which may indicate greater

confidence in and/or empathy with the doctor when the woman chooses the doctor. 

Conclusions The MCR can be accepted by a high percentage of women and there

seems to be no definite user profile. Accordingly, it can be offered to any type

of woman.

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