Van Yuzuncu Yil University non-academic staffs knowledge about
F. Ersoy, D. Kusaslan Avci, B. Dagkara, M. Aslan
Yuzuncu Yil University Medical School Department of Family
Medicine, Van, Turkey
Aim In
this study we aimed to determine Yuzuncu Yil University non-academic staffs
knowledge about contraception and the methods they use so that we are able to
determine the need assessment for a reproductive health program for them.
Material and method We applied a 20 items questionaire which contains questions
about demographic and personal information and family planning methods, in
December 2005.
Results We have reached 50 women, 20 men staff but none of the
men accepted to participate in our study. 34 of 50 women had lack of knowledge
about normal pregnancy and menstruel cycle physiology. Most of them were using
calender method for contraception although they do not wish to have child
anymore. . There was a statistically meaningful difference in use of effective
methods between the women groups with low and high level of education.
Conclusion Men participation in contraception is stil a problem in Turkey as we
see here in our study. Also use of effective methods is not at the level that
should be in Turkey, as we see in our study. We concluded that we need to
develop a reproductive health program which is especially focused on
contraception for our university staff.