Frequency of premenstrual syndrome symptoms and relationship with various factors in Turkish women

Frequency of premenstrual syndrome symptoms and relationship

with various factors in Turkish women

I. Gönenç, E.Z. Tuzcular Vural, C. Aygün,

G. Köse, N. Aka

Haydarpaca Numune Education and Research Hospital, Family

Planning Unit, Istanbul, Turkey

Objectives Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set

of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that occur during the last week

of the luteal phase (a week before menstruation) in menstruating women. In this

study, we aimed to investigate the relationship of the symptomatology of PMS

with sociodemographic features, menstrual cyclicity, habbits and systemic


Design and methods A questionnaire based on Premenstrual Assesment

Form (PAF) was applied to 381 randomly selected reproductive women. The

questionnaire consisted of two parts with sociodemographic data collected in the

first part and premenstrual symptomatology evaluated in the second part. PMS

symptoms were accepted to be positive if 5 or more of 11 depression, anxiety,

cognitive or physical symptoms and at least one of the 4 specific symptoms (

affective lability, irritability, anxiety and depressive mood ) were present

during the last two menstrual cycles. Associations with socioeconomic,

demographic and behavioral variables were investigated using the student t test

, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and x2 tests in SPSS 10.0 for Windows programme.

Results Premenstrual symptoms were present in 82.2 % of the study group. We

found a high incidence of dysmenorrhea. The relation between PMS symptomatology

and pain, before and during menstruation, or between two cycles was

statistically significantly correlated (p<0.005). Likewise, family history of dysmenorrhea was also significantly correlated with the premenstrual symptoms (p<0.005). PMS symptomatology positivity was associated with a high incidence of drug usage and doctor visits. Interference with social, occupational, or daily life activities by PMS symptoms was statistically significant (p<0.005). We could not find a significant relationship between PMS symptomatology and contraceptive methods.

Conclusion Premenstrual syndrome

symptomatology was a common problem in our study group. Other studies show that

the premenstrual condition is universal. Doctors should adopt comprehensive

measures to reduce its incidence and improve the quality of life in the affected.

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