Features of hemostasis at the pregnant woman with urogenital mycoplasmosis

Features of hemostasis at the pregnant woman with urogenital


I.Y. Fofanova, V.N. Prilepskaya

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology

and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia

Background Genital mycoplasmas – especial group of

microorganisms causing various diseases in the adults and infants. The presence

of genital mycoplasmas often accociate with urogenital inflammatory pathology,

complications of pregnancy, pathology of fetus and newborn. Pathogenesis of

complications, caused by mycoplasmas is unsufficiently investigated. In this

connection we investigated features of system of hemostasis at the pregnant

woman with urogenital mycoplasmas. 

Material and methods A total of 132 pregnant women with

urogenital mycoplasmas in term 8-12 and 18-20 weeks of pregnancy were surveyed.

Urogenital mycoplasmas (U.urealyicum, M.hominis) are revealed by a PCR method in

scrape from cervix uteri. We investigated all pregnant women for antibodies to

hCH , level of fibrinogen in plasma of blood, aggregation of platelets.


In term 8-10 weeks of pregnancy antibodies to hCH (IgM and/or IgG) were found at

81 (61,4 %) of pregnant women. The level of fibrinogen in early terms of

pregnancy at 83 (62,9 %) patients corresponded to norm (3,5 ± 0,42), in 49

(37,1 %) supervision was on the top border ( 4,47 ± 0,34). Aggregation of

platelets to ADF in term 8-10 weeks exceeded norm in 88 (66,7 %) supervision,

making on the average 63,8±1,8 %. In term of pregnancy 18-20 weeks at 119 (90,2

%) pregnant women in plasma of blood were found out antibodies to hCH, the level

of fibrinogen was on the top border of norm or exceeded it in 94 (71,2 %)

supervision, arrange on the average 4,56 ± 0,56. Aggregation of platelets to

ADF at 93 (70,5 %) of the women also exceeded norm.

Conclusion The presence of

urogenital mycoplasmas at pregnancy, on our data, is associated with progressing

increase of a level of fibrinogen , raised aggregation of platelets from early

terms of pregnancy. Besides by 18-20 weeks of pregnancy in most cases in plasma

of the pregnant women with urogenital mycoplasmas the antibodies to hCH were

determined, that assumes the autoimmune character of process.

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