Reproductive health care knowledge among Romanian adolescent girls

Reproductive health care knowledge among Romanian adolescent


I.E. Blidaru1, M. Roman2, I. Catighera2, V. Ciuchi1, R. Plesca2, A.

Nistor3, M. Scripcaru3

14-th Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, “Gr.

T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, 2Family

Planning Unit, “Cuza-Voda” Maternity Hospital, Iasi, Romania, 3“M.

Ciuca” Institute of Public Health, Iasi, Romania

Objective Our paper aims

to evaluate sexual and contraceptive use knowledge, as well as the choice of a

method, among Romanian teenage schoolgirls.

Design and method The

investigation is based on the data that is collected through a questionnaire

that was administered to one hundred adolescent schoolgirls, half of the group

being from a country-side school, while the other half is from a large city

school. The mean age in the group is 18 years. In the context of almost

homogeneous age and level of education, the explanatory variables refer to

socio-economic aspects (e.g. type of school attended, town size, family budget,

religion), as well as sexual and contraceptive behavior indicators (e.g. age at

first intercourse, number and type of pregnancies, basic knowledge about

contraception and sexual transmitted diseases). Some of the results are

expressed in terms of odds ratio.

Results According to the answers, over 90% of

the subjects are orthodox Romanian and belong to medium budget families.

Regarding the sexual debut, 34% are declaring it at = 18 years, with a slight

predominance for urban area subjects, the affirmed reasons for that being love

(41%) and curiosity (7%); 2% have been pregnant. Of the total number of

respondents, 82% know the meaning of contraception, but only 60% are aware of

its role of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, among which some,

even quite common like trichomoniasis, are almost unknown. Even if 81% have

heard about the contraceptive pill, only about half of the urban area subjects

and 10% of those from the rural area would be ready to use it (p<0.005). Finally, the most suitable counselors in the above issues seem to be the gynecologist (68%), the G.P. (25%) and the mother (31%), certain subjects giving combined answers.

Conclusions Except for the differences in knowledge and

acceptance of the various contraceptive methods between the two investigated

categories, the teenage schoolgirls have rather similar and insufficient levels

of basic information in the field of reproductive health care. Consequently, we

consider it is necessary to implement an adequate system of reproductive

healthcare education throughout schooling by means of collaboration between the

different educating bodies influencing the lives of pupils, such as professors,

doctors, and their families.

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