Assessment of prevalence and risk factors of postpartum urinary incontinence (1384)

Assessment of prevalence and risk factors of postpartum urinary

incontinence (1384)

S. Bakouei

Midwifery, Iran – Babol, Iran

Objective Urinary

incontinence is a common occurrence during pregnancy, affecting 30 to 60% of

women. But in some women, the problem persists after delivery. The etiology of

urinary incontinence is multi factorial. The purpose of this study was to

describe prevalence and risk factors of postpartum urinary incontinence.


This descriptive- analytical study was done on women who returned to selected

therapeutic and health centers four months after birth. 165 women during 6

months period completed a questionnaire. data were analyzed by statistical


Findings In this study the prevalence of postpartum urinary

incontinence is 19.4% that 12.2% of women reported symptom of urge urinary

incontinence, 7.2% described symptom of stress urinary incontinence and 3% to

both of them. postpartum urinary incontinence had a significant relationship

with the number of gravidity, parity and history of urinary incontinence during

pregnancy. Other factors including age, education, job, BMI, birth interval,

type of delivery and history of constipation during pregnancy did not have a

significant relationship.

Conclusion Urinary incontinence during pregnancy is a

important predictor factor for postpartum urinary incontinence, that can be

reduced by training about pelvic muscles exercise during puerperium.

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