Effects of tubal sterilization on women’s health: 5 years experience

Effects of tubal sterilization on women’s health: 5 years


A Basgul1, A Uzuner2, ZN Kavak1, N Bozkurt1, H Onaran3, MS Erturk4

1Marmara University Medical Faculty, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Istanbul, Turkey,

2Marmara University Medical Faculty, Family Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Marmara

University Medical Faculty, Student, Istanbul, Turkey, 4Marmara University

Medical Faculty,Intern, Istanbul, Turkey

Objectives Tubal sterilization is one

of the most popular family planning method in the world. Many data exist in the

literature about postoperative outcome of this method including satisfactions,

complications and complaints. In this study we aimed to investigate possible

effects of tubal sterilization on women’s health who had chosen this method.

Design and methods The data of women who had been operated for tubal

sterilization (laparoscopic and during cesarean section), during the last 5

years in our clinic were investigated retrospectively based on the hospital

records. Prospectively, with the help of a telephone questionnaire women were

asked about their satisfaction with the method; their regrets and complaints;

the effects of the tubal sterilization on their sexual life and their actual


Results A total of 127 women had tubal sterilization between 2000-2005,

104 of them had bilateral tubal ligation during cesarean section, 22 of them had

laparoscopic tubal ligation and 1 of them had mini-laparotomy. The mean age of

the patients were 35.9±3.6(min27; max:45); mean value of gravidity 4.2±1.9,

parity 2.9±1.1. Forty patients could be reached by phone call. Nine (23.1%) of

the patients stated that they had been regretful after the operation; 95% were

satisfied with the operation; 76.9% of the patients would recommend this method

to another woman. Although 23.1% reported changes in their sexual life after the

sterilization, 30% changes in their menstrual cycle and 35% reported lower

abdominal pain, two third of the women did not stated any significant complaint.

Women who were 36 years and over reported more lower abdominal pain (p=0.048

Fisher’s exact test); women operated beyond 2 years have less complaint (p=0.047

Fisher’s exact test); high school and over graded women reported more changes in

their sexual life (p=0.036 Fisher’s exact test)

Conclusions Although being an

irreversible and invasive method, women who had tubal sterilization are mostly

satisfied with the method and are willing to recommend it to another woman.

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