The satisfaction of Turkish males about family planning services and determination of factors effecting the satisfaction

The satisfaction of Turkish males about family planning


and determination of factors effecting the satisfaction

N. Erbil, B. Icten, E.


Ondokuz Mayis University, Ordu School of Health, Department of Nursing,

Ordu, Turkey

Objective This research has been made to determine the

satisfaction of Turkish males about family planning services and determination

of factors effecting their satisfaction.

Design and methods The population of

this descriptive correlational and cross-sectional research are males who

consult to Ordu State Hospital Polyclinics for some reasons. A total of 207 Turkish male

who are voluntary for taking part and determined with improbability sampling

were included in the sample of the research. Necessary official permissions were

taken from the institution before starting the research. The research was made

between 23.10.2005 and 23.01.2006. The data for the research were collected with

questionnaire. The analysis of the data was made with percentage, arithmetic

average, standard deviation, ki-square test in SPSS 11.5 statistical program on


Results The participants think that it is necessary to protect from

pregnancy especially for “a better future (60.7%)”. 76.8% of the

participants state that both male and female can use contraceptive methods. It

was determined that 80.7% of the male consulted to Family Planning Centers (FPC)

before. The most commonly used contraceptive methods and their percentages are

33.3% condom, 22.7% withdrawal and 14% intrauterine device. 92.3% of the

participants think that FPC Counseling Services are necessary. According to the

participants, the subjects to be included in family planning services are giving

information about contraceptive methods that can be easily understood by the

applicants (51.7%), counselor’s high level of knowledge (33.8%), and suitable

environment to get answers for the questions asked (30%).The most positively

effecting factors on satisfaction with family planning services are giving

enough information (24.2%), kind behaviors of the doctors (17.9%). The

percentage of being completely satisfied with family planning services is 16.4%.

The preceding factor that effects the dissatisfaction with family planning

services is giving insufficient information (9.2%). 83.1% of the participants

stated that family planning services are necessary. The expectations about the

presentation of family planning services are attaching more importance to

countryside (10.6%), correctly made consciousness and correctly given

information (6.8%), and making contraceptive education by home visits (5.3%).

When expected and observed rates were compared, statistically significant

relation was determined between the education level of males and who must use

the contraceptive method (P=.001), between the age groups and the contraceptive

method used (P=.004). When the state of consulting family planning centers and

the state of being satisfied with the services are compared statistically

significant relation was determined ( P=.000).

Conclusions At the end of the

research, the level of being satisfied with family planning services was found

low. The satisfaction of male can be increased by including the enterprises that

males can highly benefit and meet their expectation into the service plans of

health institutions, and by analyzing the issues that cause dissatisfaction

about family planning services.

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