Determining the anxiety level and the affecting factors of the anxiety level of the women who have a mammography

Determining the anxiety level and the affecting factors of

the anxiety level of the women who have a mammography

N. Bolukbas, N. Erbil, A. Nuran


Ondokuz Mayis university, Ordu School of Health, Ordu, Turkey


This research has been determined the anxiety level and the affecting factors af

the anxiety level of the women who have a mammography. 

Design and methods The

study was performed the dates between 3rd November 2005 and 30th December 2005

in Ordu Maternal and Birth Hospital. Ninety-three women participated into the

study. Twenty-three-question questionnaire and 20-question State Tarit Anxiety Inventory wich was

developed by Spielberger and his colleagues were applied to the participants.

The resulting data were valued by SPSS 11.5 statistical programme. While

comparing sociodemographic features and anxiety level, ANOVA, Man-Witney U test,

Kruskall-Wallis, t test and correlation were used. All numerical values were

given as average ± standart deviation, p<0.05 was accepted as meaningfullness level.

Results The average age of the participants 47.83 ±

7.50, the average marriage age 20.03 ± 4.18, the average birth number 2.91 ±

1.21, the average menapause age 46.10 ± 4.70 were found. The average anxiety

was found as 46.20 ± 4.92. A meaningful difference was statistically found as

among the education level, the marriage age, the case of self-breast examination,

the case of having a mammography because of having a complaint about the breast,

the number of having mammography( p<0.05).

Conclusion It was determined that

the women who had a mammography were anxiety at medium level.

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