Differences between populations in eastern and western Europe with regards to contraception use

Differences between populations in eastern and western

Europe with regards to contraception use

T. Chernev1, A. J. Jakimiuk2, P.

Madelenat3, K. Cha’Ban4, P. Bergmans5, M. Preik6, and E. Lee7


Maternity Hospital ‘Maichin dom’, Clinic for Fetal Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria,

2Polish Academy of Sciences, Medical Research Centre, Warsaw, Poland, 3Hopital

Bichat Claude Bernard, Service de Gynecologie-Obstetrique, Paris, France, 4St

Vincentiusziekenhuis, Antwerp, Belgium, 5Janssen-Cilag, Tilburg, The Netherlands,

6Janssen-Cilag, Medical & Scientific Affairs, Neuss, Germany, and

7Janssen-Cilag, EMEA Medical Affairs, Beerse, Belgium

Objectives Compare

characteristics and contraceptive practices in women from a number of eastern

and western European countries enrolled in a large trial of transdermal


Design and methods Baseline characteristics of 573 women enrolled

in a 6-month trial of transdermal contraception from seven European countries (Belgium,

Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Poland, Romania and Russia) were compared. All

statistical comparisons were made using two-tailed analyses with P=0.05

required for significance.

Results In total, 322 women (56.2%) were from Eastern

Europe (Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Russia) and 251 (43.8%) from Western

Europe. Mean age was higher in the Western Europe group compared with Eastern

Europe (29.8 + 6.6 vs 27.3 + 5.6 years; P<0.001). Body mass index was higher in women from Western Europe compared with those from Eastern Europe (22.2+3.3 vs 21.1+3.1; P50.001). In the 3 months before entering the study, 43 women (17.1%) from Western Europe, as compared with 91 women (28.3%) from Eastern Europe, were not using any contraceptive method. Oral contraception was the most prevalent method in both regions. However, a significantly greater proportion of women in Western Europe were using this method (72.5 vs 39.4%; P<0.001). Barrier methods were popular in Eastern Europe (25.5%), but much less so in Western Europe (3.2%) (P<0.001). None of the women in the trial from eastern European countries was using an implant. Over 3% of women in eastern European countries practised withdrawal methods compared with less than 0.5% in western Europe (P=0.028).

Conclusions Contraceptive practice differs between eastern and western European

countries, with women from Eastern Europe more likely to use barrier

contraception or no contraceptive method.

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