Sexual behaviours of young adults from Upper Silesian Region
Skrzypulec V, Drosdzol A, Nowosielski K
Woman’s Health Chair. The Medical University of Silesia in
Katowice, Poland
According to WHO, contraception is defined as a conscious action
in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and equally, to enable human to take
independent decision of having progeny. The development of science enables to
create more and more effective methods of family planning and prevention of
sexually transmitted diseases. Effectiveness, safety as well as individual
preferences are the main elements in evaluation of contraception methods.
Objectives: The aim of the study is to evaluate sexual
behaviors and activity, awareness and propagation of contraceptives among young
adults in Upper Silesian Region, and to establish the correlations between
contraceptive methods used, the knowledge about family planning, prevention of
sexually transmitted diseases, sexual behaviors and age, gender, education and
Design and methods: A group of 360 pupils, students and
working adults were included in the study. Age between 18 and 26 was a criterion
for qualification to the investigated group. The research tool was an
individually prepared “Sexual Behaviours Questionnaire” containing 26
questions. Statistica 6,0 computer software with multiple regression model, ch2
and F Fisher-Snedecor tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The results were obtained on the basis of
questionnaire analysis. General population was divided into 3 subgroups,
relating to the age. 75,8 % of young adults have initiated sexual life. The
average initiation age for the general population was 18,4 (±1,92); the
earliest time of initiation was observed at the age of 14 (0,8%), the latest –
at the age of 24 (24%). 2,5% of sexual active respondents did not use any of
contraceptives (they were all below the age of 20). A contraceptive method used
the most frequently was a male condom (60,8%); the least – emergency
contraception – (4,2%).
Conclusions: The present study established that an
average age of sexual initiation was attenuated by the age of respondents and
their higher education. The media were the general education resource. Therefore,
it seems to be essential that young people should be provided with appropriate
and complete information about sexual behaviors before their first sexual