Efficiency and acceptability of combined oral contraceptive
“Lindynette 20” to women with primary dysmenorrhea
Prilepskaya V.N., Abakarova P.R., Mezhevitinova E. A.
Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology,
Moscow, Russia.
Objectives: to estimate efficiency and an acceptability
of microdosed out preparation Lindynette 20 to women with primary dysmenorrhea.
Materials and methods: clinical and laboratory inspection
of 30 women who have addressed selection of contraception, in the age of 18-39
years (middle age 26, 7 +1,2 years), not having contra-indications for use of
the hormonal contraception, suffering primary dysmenorrhea is lead. Lindynette
20 it was appointed from first day of menstrual cycle within 21 days on one pill
in day with the subsequent 7 days time break. Supervision over patients was
carried out with an interval 1-3 months within 6 months of supervision.
Results: have confirmed high contraceptive efficiency
Lindynette 20, for the period of supervision it has not been registered any
pregnancy. Individual bearableness of pills was defined on the basis of the
analysis of frequency and character of collateral reactions and complications.
Collateral reactions in the form of spotting were marked at 3 (10%) patients, a
nausea at 1 (3,3%) and tenderness(fullness) of breast at the 1 (3,3%) women in
the first 2 months of reception of a preparation. All collateral reactions
carried transit character and countermanded of preparation have not demanded.
Besides the positive therapeutic effect at the majority of patients with
symptoms dysmenorrhea is noted. By the end 6 month of application of Lindynette
20, it was not marked symptoms of dysmenorrhea at 28 (93,3%) patients.
Conclusions: Lindynette 20 it can be applied by success
not only to women requiring in a reliable method of contraception, but also at
patients with primary dysmenorrhea.