Hormonal contraceptive with anti mineral corticoid and antiandrogene effect: efficacy and tolerance


Hormonal contraceptive with anti mineral corticoid and

antiandrogene effect: efficacy and tolerance

Prilepskaya V.N., Ostreykova L.I .

Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology,

Moscow, Russia

Combined oral contraceptive Yarina (Yasmin) containing 0.03 mg

ethynilestradiol and 3 mg new gestagen drospirenon is a novel stage in hormonal

contraception. Drospirenon is a derivative of 17-alpha-spironolacton and in some

features is similar to it. Due to unique antimineralcorticoid and antiandrogene

effects the use of Yarina arrests eodema in an organism and thus improves the

tolerance of hormonal contraception.

Objectives: Analysis of efficacy and tolerance of oral

contraceptive Yarina in women of reproductive age.

Materials and methods: 68 women, aged 18 to 39 (mean age

24 +/- 3.2) without any contraindications to hormonal contraception. Follow-up

period was 12 months. All patients were examined with clinical methods and Pape

smear test. All women were requested to keep menstrual daybook.

Results: At initial examination 19 patients demonstrated

the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Subjective and objective status of

patients was assessed according to specially elaborated questionnaire. All

patients were noted to have the signs of irritation on days 4 – 10 prior to

menstrual onset, 4 had depressive status, headaches, oedema was noted in 15

cases. No patient was registered to conceive during contraception.

Intramenstrual bleedings were found in 2 women, vomiting in one. Decrease or

elimination of premenstrual symptoms were detected in 14 out of 15 patients.

Conclusion: Yarina is highly effective contraceptive. It

is generally well tolerated, achieving good cycle control and having beneficial

effects on acne and other skin-related conditions. There is evidence to suggest

that Yarina has a beneficial effect in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome as

well as having a positive effect on well-being and health-related quality of

life. Overall, Yarina is a promising treatment option for women requiring


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