Comparison of modern methods of contraception among teenagers
O.V. Gorbunova – candidate of medical sciences, assistant
professor; A.V. Voznyuk – clinical fellow
Department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology
, Kiev medical academy of postgraduate studies, Kiev, Ukraine
Adherence of young persons to independence and popularity among
their friends and neighbors lead to early start of sexual life. Relations in
between teenagers often have superficial and temporary nature, which lead to
episodical or frequent sexual contacts with different partners. That’s why
questions of contraception among juveniles are extremely actual and are
conditioned by such causes: 1) risqu of undesirable consequences (pregnancy;
genital infections); 2) lack of sexual education before early start of sexual
life; 3) lack of physical, psychological, social preparation of sexual partners
to reproduction and childbearing. Aim of our research is to compare efficacy,
safety, comfort and availability of different methods of contraception among
teenagers of 15-18 years. We supervised after 315 young girls of 15-18 years,
who had sexual contacts and used different methods of contraception. They were
divided into six groups: 1) coitus interruptus – 138; 2) condoms – 51; 3) oral
contraceptives – 33; 4) intrauterine devices – 31; 5) postcoital contraception –
17; 6) spermicides – 45. In the group of coitus interruptus effectivity was
81,2% (112 persons); those using condoms – 88,2% (45 persons); in the group of
oral contraceptive users – 96,97% (32 persons); postcoital contraception – 94,1%
(16 persons), spermicides users – 80% (36 persons). Despite of this 9 young
girls made an abortion in terms of 5-6 weeks – 22,2% (2 persons), at 12 weeks –
66,7 % (6 persons), from 12 to 22 weeks – 11,1% (1 person). A group of 36 girls
become juvenile primaparas. In our opinion the optimal and safe method of
contraception among juveniles are condoms. The most comfortable method in girl’s
opinion is intrauterine device, but it can be used only after careful and
thorough consultation by gynecologist and when there are absolutely no
contraindications and requires the doctor attention at the initial and
consecutive regular visits. Easily available methods are condoms and oral
contraceptives. Coitus interruptus among juveniles is very popular, because it
doesn’t require any financial expenditure. However, this method requires
careful consulting. Danger of premature and unforeseen ejaculation, possibility
of getting sperm from urethra to vagina during the next coitus brings down the
efficacy of this method.