

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, 

We cordially invite you to take part in the 8th ESC Seminar,

which will be held in Warsaw from Friday 23 till Saturday 24 September 2005. The

main aim of the Seminar is to share current practice & thoughts from around

Europe and to exchange experiences during fruitful discussions, debates and


The topic of the 8th Seminar is “Sexual

education: the key issue of reproductive health”. Four plenary

presentations will introduce the main aspects of this topic. The speakers are

mostly ESC Board members from all over Europe or eminent Polish specialists. 

Plenary sessions will be followed by ample discussion time and

then lead into interactive workshops where the information can be added to with

information from all over Europe. 

Each workshop will have two leaders who will co-ordinate the

session and feed back the main points to the whole group during the plenary

session on Saturday. These will also be written up and be available on the ESC

website. It is hoped that they will feed the online discussion groups. 

On Saturday morning, a forum will be organised with the

participation of students from different Eastern European countries. This

session will undoubtedly be a very valuable source of feedback with regards to

sexual education in the beginning of the 21st century! 

We also hope to organise one or more satellite symposia on

Friday, as well as to have a selection of free communications during the plenary


Several poster sessions will be organised and posters are

invited on any of the themes of the Seminar. The posters will be judged and the

best awarded a prize. 

We hope that you will be joining us for an exciting seminar in a

city which has a history of over 700 years. Since 1526, Warsaw is the capital

city of Poland and, since that time, a major centre of rich cultural and

academic life. Unfortunately, during World War II, in 1944, the city was given

the death sentence by nazis… The population was expelled and the town

systematically destroyed. But, immediately after the war, the rebuilding of

Warsaw began. Now, in the year 2004, we can state that Warsaw is reborn and full

of life. Warsaw is waiting for you! 

Yours sincerely, 

Medard Lech, MD, PhD.

8th Seminar Organiser


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