Examples of informative sites for clients

Examples of informative sites for


There are informative sites for clients where

questions can be asked about sexual health and

disability. Gives young people access to information

about various aspects of sex education and teenage life.

Topics on this site include: teenage pregnancy, help

and advice, periods, lovebugs (sexually transmitted

infections), sex, peer pressure, sexuality,

contraception, emergency contraception and puberty. Part

of Marie Stopes International. Short information for


For UK adolescents where to find services. Central

message: don’t feel pressured to have sex until you are

ready. Also basic information about contraception.

A nice looking, informative page for young


This is a website in the German language with a lot of

information on sexual matters and a possibility to ask

questions. The site is the responsibility of the

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)

which is part of the federal government of Germany.

The FPA (Family Planning Association) is the

UK’s leading sexual health charity. Their purpose is to

enable people in the UK to make informed choices about

sex and to enjoy sexual health. On this site the general

public can find information about campaigns,

publications, products related to sexual health and

access to UK clinics. There is also a help line and the

organisation offers a variety of training programmes for

clinical and non-clinical workers in sexual and

reproductive health.


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