The English national strategy for sexual health and HIV – working
towards implementation
J. Mezzone
Department of Health, London, UK
Introduction: The first ever National Strategy for Sexual Health and
HIV was published for consultation on 27th July 2001. A 27-point Implementation
Action Plan was published in June 2002. Key aims of the Strategy are to
reduce the transmission of HIV
and Sexually Transmitted Infections
reduce the prevalence of
undiagnosed HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
reduce unintended pregnancy rates
improve health and social care
for people living with HIV
reduce the stigma associated with
HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Aims and Methods: The 27 point action plan aims to support
implementation in the field accompanied by guidance to Primary Care Trusts and
Local Authorities on commissioning and health promotion and recommended
standards for HIV and Sexual Health.
Results: There has been substantial progress on national
implementation of the Strategy. Key national programmes are underway including
the Sex Lottery Campaign, roll out of chlamydia screening and targeted
prevention work at vulnerable communities.
Conclusions: The National Strategy is ambitious and comprehensive. It
requires a 10 year commitment to deliver what it proposes in partnership with
key stakeholders in Primary Care Trusts, Local Authorities, with health and
social care providers and Voluntary Community Organisations.