Ontic structure of a man as a basis of the universal model of sexual education


Ontic structure of a man as a basis of the universal model of

sexual education

Dr hab. T. B. Kulik, prof. KUL, Medical Academy in Lublin,


Mgr A.Linca, Institute of Pedagogy, Catholic University of

Lublin, POLAND

The concept of a human and its interpretation are essential for

every kind of education, including the sexual one. There’s been the subsequent

hypothesis stated: beginning with the ontic structure of a man, it’s possible

to define a goal of the universal model of sexual education. The research done

was of a theoretical character. Method of analysis and synthesis of the

bibliographical material gained from the anthropology, philosophy, psychology

and pedagogy was used. The research resulted in: (1) apprehension and

interpreting a man as a natural material which is supposed to be the perfect

stadium of the environmental evolution. Within such a concept, the answer to a

question on what a man is comes through appealing to the rights of nature and

development of nature (especially the view of Huxley’s or Teilhard de Chardin’s

theories of evolution; the concept is also present in the Marks’ philosophy,

in the psychoanalytical thought, as well as in naturalism and structuralism). On

the other hand, (2) apprehension of a man as a person exhibiting his

spirituality and – especially – his self-consciousness (beginning with the

Des Cartes thought) evolved. A man can therefore be considered both: as “res –

natura” – a particular biological material on the way of his development,

facing environmental constraints and carrying the signs of his own activity or

in the existential measure that creates his own spiritual face from the inside

of a human being. A man, according to his substantial structure, is composed of

body and soul. He is the psychophysical unity. His deeds and behavior exist as

the features of both: body and soul. That also refers to his sexual activities.

Deeds of the man’s sexual sphere never appear as purely physical ones. They

are always both: physical and psychical at the same time. Sexual impulse is

never just an isolated, quite a physical matter. Actually, it is related to the

real psychical experience. According to nature, sexuality of a man doesn’t

work as a self-existing rush, aiming at fulfilling the sexual desire, but is

present in a context of needs of the psychical nature and by expressing

tenderness, fondness, love, a will and aspiration to experience an intimate

meeting with the other person. Research has shown that a man tends towards full

bond of love and only then can be happy, when his sexual surrendering takes

place within the above mentioned order. The conclusion appears that the goal of

sexual education cannot only be the physical sphere which relies on

understanding the sexuological bases and rules of the sexual development. It

should also include psychical sphere which relies on development of mutual love

and is able to create righteous relation with another person. All the concepts

of sexual education should avoid the views of a man that overemphasize any of

his dimensions: either biological or psychological. Determining the goal of

sexual education resulting from the ontic structure of a man inspires

undertaking trials of searching for a model of universal sexual education in a

pluralistic world.

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