Contraceptive use and fertility charecteristics: changes within 15 years
S. Ozalp, H. Hassa, H.M. Tanir, T. Oge
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University of Osmangazi, Eskisehir, Turkey
Introduction: To assess and comment
on the differences in contraceptive use and fertility characteristics of women
within 15 years, in a university hospital.
Aims and Methods: Place of birth, the
last contraceptive method use, number of pregnancies, children and abortions
were retrospectively evaluated among women over 50 and compared between years
period of 1982–1987 (group I) and 1997–2002 (group II). Data were analyzed
by Student’s t test and chi square test.
Results: Use of any contraceptive
method, intrauterine device, oral contraceptive were higher in group II, p
values p<0.05, p<0.001, p<0.001 respectively. Coitus interruptus was the most preferred contraceptive method for both groups and no significant difference was relevant in terms of its frequency used (p>0.05). Number of
pregnencies (p<0.001), number of children (p<0.001) were lower and number of abortion (p<0.001) were higher in group II.
Conclusions: As expected, use
of contraceptive method and use of modern contraceptive method were increased as
time passes. Unexpectedly, coitus interruptus was the mostly preferred
contraceptive method for both time periods. For the recent years, number of
pregnancies and living children decreased and number of abortions increased. To
conclude, there can be changes in contraceptive use fertility trends within