Psychological and moral aspects of women undergoing pregnancy termination

Psychological and moral aspects of women undergoing pregnancy termination

V. Sadauskas, V. Vanagien

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Medicine, Kaunas,


Introduction: Among Lithuanian women who terminate pregnancy are most

frequently married women and those with university and college education. Their

economic status has no influence on pregnancy termination. Women more often

decide on pregnancy termination if they had a previous one.

Aims and methods: The study involved 130 women who voluntarily arrived

for termination of up to 12 weeks pregnancy. Women were asked to fill in a

questionnaire 0.5–1h before the procedure. Woman who arrived for pregnancy

termination with ultrasonic diagnosis of missed pregnancy that required induced

abortion, were excluded from the study.

Results: Women who arrived for pregnancy termination were asked to

answer certain questions. Out of the total numbers of subjects 90 % assessed

pregnancy termination as negative and only 8 % stated that it was nothing

particular. Possible complications were familiar to 62 % of women. Other people’s

opinion was important only to 3 % of respondents, unimportant to 33 % and 35 %

of women preferred to keep it secret. Pregnancy termination was discussed by 70

% of respondents with their partners, by 14 % with friends and by 14 % by

mothers, 15 % of women sought councelling from the medical personnel. A prompt

decision to terminate pregnancy was made by 50 % of women, 30 % needed longer

consideration and 20 % of women had some doubts. Among those who arrived for

pregnancy termination 65 % had strong religious beliefs, 15 % of women were free

from religious beliefs and 20 % had weak religious beliefs. In future 89 % of

respondents plan to use effective contraceptive methods. If women who have

presented for pregnancy termination will become pregnant in future 3 % of them

will terminate unwanted pregnancy and 8 % intend to give birth. Hormonal tablets

are considered to be the best contraceptive method by 40 % of women, IUD by 18

%, condoms by 20 %, rhythm calendar by 21 %, withdrawal (coitus interruptus) by

9 % and femal sterilisation by 3 % of respondents.

Conclusions: Alternatives for induced abortions include development of

moral qualities of the society, female and male sexual education and usage of

effective contraceptive methods.

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