Comparision of efficacy and complications of insertion of IUD in postplacental/postpartum period and postpuerperal/interval period: 1 year follow-up*

Comparision of efficacy and complications of insertion of IUD in

postplacental/postpartum period and postpuerperal/interval period: 1 year


K. Eroglu (1),G. Akkuzu (1), G. Vural (2), B. Özbey Dilbaz (4), A.

Ayse Akin (3), L. Takin (1), A. Haberal (4)

Department of Obstetrics and Women’s Health Nursing, School of Nursing,

Hacettepe University (1), Department of Obstetrics and Women’s Health Nursing,

School of Nursing, Gazi University (2), Department of Community Health, Faculty

of Medicine, Hacettepe University (3) and SSK Ankara Maternity and Woman’s

Health Hospital (4), Turkey

Aim: To compare the efficacy and complications of postplacental and

early postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) with postpuerperal and interval

insertion at the end of one year follow-up.

Material and Methods: The study was carried out at a teaching hospital

setting in collaboration with the Nursing School. Patients who chose to have

intrauterine device (Cu-T 380A) insertion and accepted to participate were

recruited in the study after being counselled and consented.The experimental

group (Group I) consisted of 84 patients who had postplacental ( 59 vaginal

delivery, 25 cesarean delivery ) and 46 patients who had early postpartum

insertion (N:130 women ), whilst the control group (Group II) covered 62

postpuerperal 76 interval cases ( N: 138 ). The demographic characteristics,

obstetric histories were recorded and the patients were followed-up for a year.

The data collected during the women follow-up at the end of the one month, the

housevisits at second and sixth month house-visits and telephone calls at 12 th

month by filling in the nurse follow-up forms. The groups were compared

statistically in terms of continuity of the method, complications as expulsion,

misplacement, complications and efficacy. The statistical analysis was carried

out using Chi-square, Fisher’s exact Chi-square, mean and percentage


Results: At the end of one year follow-up 38.6% of Group I, 72.3% of

Group II had continuity of the method, the results showing a statistically

significant difference between the two groups. Among Group I, 84% of the

patients who left the method were from the early postpartum group mainly due to

IUD expulsion (78.2%). In Group II the main reason for leaving the method was

IUD misplacement (27.8%). The incidence of complete and partial expulsion was

significantly high in Group I but the two groups were not different

statistically from each other in terms of IUD misplacement, uterine perforation,

heavy bleeding and pelvic inflammatory disease. In Group I expulsion was

observed at an avarage of 57.64 days while partial expulsion was found at an

avarage of 69.56 days. The method efficacy was the same in both goups. In Group

I, become pregnant was %3.0 (4 women) and in Groups II was % 2.9 (4 women).

Conclusions: Postpartum IUD insertion is an acceptable, efficient

method of contraception. Counselling, integration of the family planning

activities with antenatal and maternity services and training the staff in

insertion techniques is required for improvement of the results.

* Sponsored by Hacettepe University Scientific Research Centre

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