An audit of practice nurses’ current practice and training needs
analysis in relation to nursing skills identified in level 1 and 2 elements of
the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV
A. Soames, S. Hughes, C. Eason
Contraception and Sexual Health, Nottingham, England, UK
Introduction: The National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV was
published for consultation in July 2001. A key priority is to deliver public
services that are of a high quality and are efficient. Nurses are highlighted as
being pivotal to the successful delivery of the strategy in primary care.
Training and support will be needed for implementation to go ahead effectively.
Aims and Method: To establish current competency and training needs of
practice nurses in relation to skills identified in level 1 and 2 elements of
the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV. 105 practice nurses in 4
primary care trusts in central Nottingham returned a postal questionnaire. They
were asked to assess their current competency and training needs in identified
clinical skills.
Results: There is a need for training for practice nurses to support
them in the successful delivery of the strategy. The greatest need is in
relation to skills historically carried out by clinics specialising in
genitourinary medicine. Some practice nurses are practicing skills that they
have had no formal training in and do not feel confident to undertake.
Conclusion: Practice nurses will need support from specialist services
to enable them to work towards a competency based service in sexual and
reproductive health.