Guidelines for Authors
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The Journal accepts papers for consideration related to contraception and
reproductive health care.
The following types of papers are welcome: Editorial, Research, New
Developments, Clinical Study, Epidemiological Study,
Historical/Socio-demographic article, Review, Short Communication, Case Report,
Debate, Book Review, Letter to the Editor, Personal Opinion.
All submissions should be made online at the European Journal of Contraception
and Reproductive Health Care Manuscript Central site.
New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site,
submissions should be made via the Author Centre.
Authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should
be a complete text, while in the second all document information identifying the
author should be removed from files to allow them to be sent anonymously to
referees. When uploading files authors will then be able to define the
non-anonymous version as "File not for review".
Editor-in-Chief |
Professor Dr Jean-Jacques Amy |
c/o The Editorial Office |
Opalfeneweg 3 |
1740 Ternat |
Belgium |
Tel: +32 2582 0852 |
Fax: +32 2582 5515 |
E-mail: [email protected] |
Copyright: It is a condition of publication that the authors transfer the
world copyright of their manuscripts to the Society. All manuscripts should
therefore be accompanied by a signed statement that the article is original, is
not under consideration or has not been previously published in another journal.
Authors will normally be entitled to publish any part of their paper elsewhere
provided permission is requested and the usual acknowledgements are given. The
assignment of the copyright will not affect subsisting patent rights or
arrangements relating to them.
Illustrations, tables or quotations from other publications are already
copyrighted and can be reproduced only with written permission from the
copyright owner. Written permission to use these should accompany the
Ethical review: The Editor and Publisher support the principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and expect that the authors of papers submitted to the
Journal will have obtained ethical consent and followed those legal and
regulatory requirements for human experimentation with drugs, including informed
consent, according to procedures which apply to their institution and
Authority and responsibility: The intellectual content of the paper is
the responsibility of the authors. The Editor and the Publisher accept no
responsibility for opinions and statements of authors. While every effort will
be made by the Editor and Publisher to avoid inaccurate and misleading data,
they accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of wrong information.
The authors agree to keep the Editor and Publisher fully and effectually
indemnified against any liability or claims that may arise out of the
publication of inaccurate and/or misleading data.
Submission of manuscripts: Papers submitted should be written in correct
English. English (not: American) spelling should be used throughout.
The manuscript should clearly designate one author as correspondent to whom
proofs will also be sent, and the full postal address, telephone number,
facsimile number and email address of this individual should be given.
Statistics: Authors of papers containing statistics must mention in their
accompanying letter that statistical analyses were either done or cross-checked
by a statistician. If there should be any doubt about the correctness of
statistical data, these latter will be reviewed by a statistician designated by
the Editorial Office. The cost of this statistical assessment will be defrayed
by the authors.
Presentation: Papers should be structured into headed sections as follows: Title
page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and
The first page should include: title, first and last name of the authors and
their affiliations, short title (not more than 50 letters), key words (2-8), and
the address for correspondence, including telephone, facsimile numbers and email
Abstract: The abstract should be structured (divided into objectives,
methods, results and conclusions) and should not exceed 200 words.
Style: Abbreviations and symbols must be standard and SI units used
throughout. Statistical analyses must explain the methods used. References to
drugs should be made by their approved, not proprietary names, and the source of
any new or experimental preparations should be given. The use of footnotes is
not permitted. Single quotation marks should be used and words to be italicized
should be underlined.
The Editor reserves the right to alter the manuscripts whenever necessary to
make them conform to the Stylistic and bibliographic conventions of the Journal.
Literature cited: References should be numbered consecutively throughout
the text and cited as superscript numerals. They should be listed in full at the
end of the article in Vancouver style. Unpublished work, work in preparation or
personal communications should not be used as references but merely mentioned in
the text. For references with more than three authors, only the first three
should be given followed by et al. Medical journal abbreviations follow Index
Medicus usage. Authors must verify references against the original documents
before submitting the articles. References should be set out in the style of the
following examples:
Journal article: Winslow CM, Herrington LP, Gagge AP. Physiological
reactions to environmental temperature. AmJ Physiol 1937;120:1-22
Article in an edited book: Cameron IT. Prostaglandins and menstruation.
In Drife JO and Calder AA, eds. Prostaglandins and the uterus. London :
Springer-Verlag 1992 : 17 – 28.
Abstracts: Baton KJ, Mayne JR, Menzies JB, et al. Studies on pressure
measurements. Presented at the Symposium on Fluid Dynamic Measurements,
Leicester, July 20-22,1974:23
Acknowledgements: The scientific and material contributions of others to
the work should be acknowledged. Any permission for reproduction of published
material must be acknowledged.
Conflict of interest: Authors must declare whether or not they have a
conflict of interest capable of influencing their judgements, whether it be
financial, personal, politic or academic. This information will be published at
the end of each paper.
Source of funding: All sources of funding for research must be explicitly
stated and will be published at the end of each paper.
Illustrations: The use of
symbols in illustrations should be consistent with usage within the paper. When photomicrographs are submitted,
staining techniques should be stated and an internal scale marker included.
Legends for illustrations should be collected together and presented on a
separate manuscript page. Reference should be made specifically in the text to
all figures. They should be numbered Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
Colour Figures: Any figure submitted as a colour original will appear in
colour in the journal’s online edition free of charge and can be downloaded.
Paper copy colour reproduction will only be considered on condition that authors
contribute to the associated costs. Charges are: £500/US$900 for the first
colour page and £250/US$450 for each colour page after per article. (Colour
costs will be waived for invited Review Articles).
Tables: Each table should be on a separate page with its caption. They
should be numbered Table 1, Table 2, etc. Tables should be simple and should not
duplicate information in the text of the paper. The following symbols should be
used for footnotes: *, **, †, ‡. Reference should be made specifically in
the text to all tables.
Proofs: The designated author will receive a copy of the proofs, which
should be read carefully for errors. The corrected proofs must be returned
promptly to Taylor & Francis. Authors will be asked to defray the expense of
any major alteration to the proofs which are departures from the original