Need for Harmonization
H. Satiroglu
Since the 1950s, reproductive behavior has become as a major
concern of governments. In the 1960s, governments were urged to strive for ‘zero
population growth’ but in 1968 the United Nations began viewing family planning
as a human rights issue rather than focusing only on population control and
demographics. By the late 1980s STI (sexually transmitted infections) emerged as
an equally important issue which was also inseparable from family planning
itself. Widespread use of contraceptives and abortion, and below-replacement
fertility rates are beginning to concern some governments, religious and
advocacy groups. Today we, as clinicians and policy makers do encounter STI
syndromes such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID) as well as abortions and infertility as major reproductive health
problems. In order to improve this health problem which mainly effects the
reproductive age female population around the world, integration of family
planning with STI prevention programmes is a necessity and the harmonization of
the service which in turn will increase the availability and efficacy is a must.
If the movement and policies which began as contraception and family planning
integrates with the STI prevention and sexual health education programmes, a
“larger field of action” will be reached and not only the reproductive
age women but also the adolescents and vulnerable groups like sex workers,
immigrant etc. will benefit from the education and prevention programmes.
Harmonization of GOs and/or NGOs will enlarge the borders to act and integration
will empower the improvement of the overall reproductive health. Besides
integration, harmonization in services, (preventive, therapeutic, information
education) seems to be an opportunity to strengthen care services, and a way to
a holistic reproductive and sexual health approach.