Characteristics of the contraception with methods of only gestagen 

Characteristics of the contraception with methods of only


N. Parera, E. de la Viuda, R. Lertxundi 

Board of Directors, Madrid,


Introduction In 2005, the SEC carried out a Conference on Consent (CdC)

on the Updating the clinical handling of the hormonal contraceptives. CdC is a

scientific conference in which different experts expose their works,

synthesizing the existent knowledge based on the best available scientific

evidence, obtained after exhaustive study of the same. This exposition is

followed by a democratic debate, in which each participant (experts, jury and

invited public) can express their opinion. It is concluded with a resolution in

which the jury (qualified and multidisciplinary) establish the recommendations

in an independent objective way. In this communications the results from the CdC

relating to the contraception with only gestagen methods (MSG) are submitted. 

Methodology A total of 750 bibliographic references published between 1995 and

2005, in medical and scientific magazines of contrasted quality and scientific

rigor, and documents (clinical practice guides, standards, reports, …)

published by the professional societies, agencies for the evaluation of sanitary

technologies, government agencies and other scientific entities were analyzed. 

Results All the MSG have a high effectiveness, with a Pearl index lower than

the unit. According to the evidence, the MSG are considered having high security.

They have less contraindications than the contraceptive hormonal cocktails. The

criteria for the choice in the contraception of only gestagen are women who wish

hormonal contraception and who, duly informed, accept the pattern of

characteristic bleeding of this contraception. These conclusions are applicable

to the methods of only gestagen (MSG), both oral and intra-uterine, subcutaneous

implants or injectable methods, obtaining a high degree of execution and

continuity of those methods whose use does not depend directly on the users. 

Conclusions The MSG are a good hormonal contraceptive method.

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