Women who came back for PAP smear screening in rural areas in Thailand

Women who came back for PAP smear screening in rural areas in


S. Jivasak-Apimas1, C. Leelapatanadit1, A. Otani4, O. Kiriwat1, S.

Wisessak3, S. Marumdee2, K. Chiravacharadej1

1Siriraj Reproductive Health

Research Center, Department of OB GYN, Facul. Med. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University,

Bangkok, Thailand, 2Provincial Public Health Office, Suphanburi Province,

Thailand, 3Provincial Public Health Office, Chaiyapoom Province, Thailand,

4Project HOPE, Bangkok, Thailand

Introduction Cervical cancer screening is a

preventive measure to surveillance women from developing cervical cancer.. In

Thailand the incidence of cervical cancer has reduced from 20.9/100,000 in 1999

to 19.5/100,000 in 2005, however, prevalence of screening and regular screening

is still low country wide. Motivation for regular screening among women in

remote area has been rare. An Educational Programme on cervical prevention has

been implemented in 4 districts each of two provinces in 2001 with financial

support from Project HOPE, Thailand to sensitise women’s knowledge about the


Objective The objective of this report was to look at results and

characteristics of women who had regular screening in the implemented areas.

Methodology Educational materials were developed, and trainings to strengthen

capacity of health and medical personnel in the two provinces were carried out.

Reports about activities of the programme were reported elsewhere,China, 2002,

Spain, 2003 and Malaysia 2005. Health officers who are stationed in the

community health premises were standardized their Pap smear taken before

starting the programme. The target population was women aged 17-72 years old. So

far about 60,000 women received the tests. By December 2004 5906 screenings were

done for women who came back to have their tests.

Results Ninety percent of women were 30

years old and over and with primary education or less. Most of them were engaged

in farm work or casual labour work, 88% with income of less than 8000 Baht per

month, (200 US$), 89%.The average living children was 2. All women had previous

normal Pap smear result. 99% of women thought that yearly screening was not a

burden and 33% of women would decline to accept the male provider. 93% of women

recommended the test to friends. 92.% of women had normal result, and the rest

had inflammation. 13 of 5906 women had abnormal results, 5 for HPV and 8 for CIN,

which constituted 0.22%. 

Conclusion It is likely that experienced women would

come back for the regular screening, and they are more likely to have normal or

mildly serious results. Strong counselling for regular screening should be

emphasized to surveillance women from developing invasive cervical cancer.

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